Lyrics Plugin for Winamp 1.0
Free   215 KB

Lyrics Plugin for Winamp 1.0

Free Lyrics Plug-in for Winamp is a small tool that provides lyrics for your songs
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Lyrics Plugin
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Software Informer Editor Rating 5 Software Informer Virus Free award
Free   215 KB

Lyrics Plug-in for Winamp is a small tool that provides lyrics for your songs.
With this plug-in you can have the lyrics of your favorite songs right in Winamp.
The installation of this plug-in is fast and clean, so you don’t have to worry about wasting time with the setup process. After a successful installation, you'll find the Lyrics Plug-in in the Plug-ins menu in Winamp Preferences.

As soon as the plug-in is installed and you play your song you will see the lyrics in a small separate window. The design of this window is the same as the design of the current skin, so it blends in with the rest of the player.

This plug-in is intended to be very simple, so if you are looking for lyrics that fade in and out or animated lyrics, you should try looking for a more sophisticated plug-in.

The simplicity of the plug-in comes from the fact that the user is able to see all the lyrics, by scrolling down the window or by enlarging the lyrics window. The user does not have to pause a song to be able to see the specific lyrics they are interested in. They can see the whole text of the lyrics of that song, while the song is playing. They can also edit the lyrics in case they find some mistakes.

The downside is that it might not find the lyrics for every song, if the file name of the song does not give enough information, but in that case the user can search for the lyrics using Google.

Lyrics Plug-in for Winamp is a useful tool when it comes to finding lyrics for your favorite songs.

GC Senior editor
Gaby Colette
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  • Edit lyrics


  • None

Comments (2)

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rating Mike
That's one of the best things that works perfect in life. Probably best addon to Winamp and computer was ever made <3 I found using it day by day couple years now.

Aug 12, 2024 Was it helpful?  yes(0) no(0) | Reply
Does exactly what it states in the description.
Blends perfectly with Winamp itself.

Would be great Winamp would actually add it to the application itself.
Doesn't scroll.

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